Moscow. Deputies from the YABLOKO faction prepared a draft
statement for the
State Duma of the RF on the events of October 1993 (Ed. Shooting of
parliament). According to a decision taken by the Council of the Duma,
draft will be examined on Friday, October 10, 2003.
YABLOKO's deputies think that the draft statement on the same topic
submitted by deputies Sergei Glazyev and Dmitri Rogozin to be examined
the Duma on the same day is one-sided and will only enhance confrontation
The draft statement prepared by YABLOKO runs, "The responsibility
for the
civil war in the centre of the Russian capital and fatalities should be
borne by the leaders with their overweening ambition in both the executive
and legislative authorities at the time. Violence and bloodshed opened
way to a chain of political murders that began to be widely used as method
for resolving problems. The ongoing war in Chechnya began soon after the
tragedy of October 1993. The negative consequences of criminal actions
both sides seriously affected further development of Russia."