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Muscovites dismantle the fence around an unlawfully seized beach at Serebryanniy Bor

Press Release

May 30, 2012

A meeting of the residents of the West and North-West of Moscow who oppose unlawfully seizure of Moscow beaches will take place in Serebryanniy Bor on Thursday, May 31. The residents will dismantle un unlawfully erected fence.

On May 28 YABLOKOs public inspection which also included environmentalists and journalists managed to get inside the fenced territory of the beach. (See the photo report here.) The guard of the fenced beach was unable tell the name of the owner of the beach, but said that the place was a "barbecue site" for Federal Security Service and Interior Ministry officers and their families.

According to a real estate register, this area is listed as a park, and is not under lease or sale, so it is still a free public area and should not be fenced. The inspection also revealed a gross violation of Article 6 of the Water Code. The fence with barbed wire extends to the water's edge, while the law envisages that a 20 meter wide line by the water edge should be in common use.

The participants will gather at the Stroginsky bridge.

The meeting starts at 8 p.m.


See also:

Protection of Environment




Press Release

May 30, 2012

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