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Extradition of writer and journalist Anne Nivat represents probation of a reprisals response on the growth of civil activity

Statement by YABLOKO Chairman

February 15, 2012

The Federal Migration Service unlawful and insulting actions against Anne Nivat, French journalist and writer, create a dangerous precedent.

A journalist implementing her professional duty and never violating Russian laws was put under surveillance and was expelled from the country on political grounds after she had spoken to the opponents of the present Russian government.

Such actions return us to totalitarian practices, when the state regarded any oppositional activities and contacts with foreign press a direct threat to the state security.

This has never happened even in Putins Russia. However now we have witnessed an attempt to restore such practices.

We regard this as purposeful actions by the representatives of the state, a reprisals tryout as a response to the civil activity growth.

We demand an immediate revision of the decision by the Federal Migration Service on Anne Nivat and offering her an apology at a level of at least a service head.

We demand punishment for those responsible for abusive actions against Anne Nivat.

If this is not done, the reprisals tryout will pass successfully into our life.


See also:

Freedom of Speech

French Author Says Russia Expelled Her on Political Grounds. The Wall Street Journal. February 13, 2012





February 15, 2012

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