Road police prohibited to a private transport company
to transport participants of the rally against building of
a freight airport in Stupino (a city near Moscow), threatening
the company with annulment of its licence. Consequently, the
participants of the rally had to go to Moscow by train being
late for the rally for half an hour, also some participants
were unprepared to go by train and stayed in Stupino.
Nikolai Kuznetsov, leader of the Stupino branch of YABLOKO,
told that they could find a transport company only in another
town, as the local companies received a ban on transportation
of people to the rally.
Four coaches had to take 200 people to a rally in the centre
of Moscow. However, when the coaches arrived to Stupino, they
were met my several road police cars, the area administration
and an ambulance. An unexpected technical examination of the
coaches began at the site and continued in the local road
police department.
According to information from the activists, road police
of the Moscow region ordered the district road police department
not to let people come to the Moscow rally.
The rally against construction of an airport in Stupino did
take place. 12,000 residents of Stupino signed under an address
to the Presidential Administration expressing their protest
against the airport. In violation of all the existing norms
some residential houses will stand only in 50 meters from
the airport. The residents also asked the administration to
facilitate the permission on conducting of a local referendum.
Nikolai Kuznetsov also asked the President to organize a
Presidential Reception in the city. “When 2,500 people come
to a rally this signals that not everything is in order in
the city,” he said.
Civil campaign against construction of an airport in close
proximity to residential houses began in July 2011. A number
of mass-scale rallies took place in the area. YABLOKO leader
Sergei Mitrokhin participated in these rallies.
Also a meeting of the residents adopted a decision to conduct
a local referendum about construction of an airport, about
1,300 local residents were included into the initiative group.

See also: