Coming Out Party at Davos
By Lynn Berry, The Moscow Times, January 23, 2004
Later, when asked to speak again to the whole group, Saakashvili
borrowed a sound bite first spoken by his Russian dinner partner:
"He [Shevardnadze] needed Russia as an enemy, I need Russia
as a friend."
Speaker of the Duma advises Georgia not to pursue pro-US policy
ITAR-TASS, December 4, 2003
"The situation that
developed in Georgia is such that only Russia can provide
active assistance in uniting the country," stressed Lukin.
Yavlinsky "To the Summit of the CIS Heads: Russia
and Georgia"
Interfax, October 7, 2002
Moscow, 24 April: The leader of the Russian liberal
party Yabloko, Grigoriy Yavlinsky, According to information
agencies, there are grounds for thinking that during
his meeting with Edward Shevardnadze, President Putin
has found the right solutions to Russian-Georgian
relations and transferred the issue from the area
of state conflict to the area of cooperation between
the law-enforcement agencies of both countries.
Credo: Against Corruption in the Union of Right-Wing
Forces and for Putin
Interview with Grigory Yavlinsky, leader of the Yabloko
Nezavisimaya Gazeta, by Maxim Glikin, October 11,
"Question: Perhaps
RAO UES executives are deliberately "driving
down" the company's share price, so that it will
be easier to buy it up?
Yavlinsky: If
they deliberately set out to devalue RAO UES by USD6
billion over two years, the executives of this state-owned
company ought to be sent to... You know where. Immediately.
That qualifies as misappropriation of state property."
liberal calls for change of tack on Georgia, firm
policy on Iraq
Ekho Moskvy radio station, October 2, 2002
Interview with Alexey Arbatov
The deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee
on Defence, the liberal Yabloko deputy, AlexeiArbatov,
has criticized Russia's policy on Georgia, which,
he says, is driving it into the arms of NATO and the
West. In an interview with Russian Ekho Moskvy radio,
Arbatov also diverged from the Russian government's
line on Iraq. He said he supported a new UN resolution
against Baghdad, although he would not endorse a US
attack on Iraq which was not thoroughly justified.
The following is an excerpt from the interview broadcast
live on Ekho Moskvy radio on 2 October.
Could Prove a Costly Escapade
The Moscow Times, September 23, 2002.
By Grigory Yavlinsky
Russian military strikes against Georgia are inadmissible.
The questionable gains of a military operation are
completely outweighed by the political damage that
Russia would incur both at home and internationally
if it spreads the war in Chechnya to the neighboring
independent state of Georgia. For 200 years we lived
together in a single state, including 70 years under
the Soviet regime. The consequences of such a move
would be destructive for both nations.