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Elections information on the Yabloko server
Presidential elections, 1996
Press releases

The Skinny on Campaign Election Coverage
By Alexei Pankin, The Moscow Times, June 8, 2004

In May and June 1996, I served as coordinator of a program devoted to monitoring press coverage of the presidential election... ...After the first week of monitoring, our observers released a report demonstrating that all of the major television stations, both state-owned and independent, were actively promoting the incumbent Boris Yeltsin and giving short shrift to his rivals, including Yabloko leader Grigory Yavlinsky.


Russia Today's exclusive pre-election interview with Grigory Yavlinsky

Russia Today, July 28, 1996
Five days before the runoff election, Grigory Yavlinsky, chairman of the Yabloko Party, took time to talk to Russia Today correspondent Tracy Dove on July 28 and explain his views on the course of the Russian presidential elections. Yavlinsky, who finished fourth in the first round, is potentially a pivotal figure in the race. He has conditionally endorsed incumbent Boris Yeltsin, but he is scheduled to meet with the president. Speculation favors that he will join Yeltsin's government.

Project Director: Vyacheslav Erohin e-mail: admin@yabloko.ru Director: Olga Radayeva, e-mail: english@yabloko.ru

Administrator: Vlad Smirnov, e-mail: vladislav.smirnov@yabloko.ru