On February 12, 2012, Russia's environmental movement The
Green decided to once again form an environmental party. Its
first public action was the decision to support Vladimir Putin's
candidacy at the presidential elections in Russia. Also prior
to its self-liquidation this party had already declared its
support to Vladimir Putin. This party had also supported the
decision to import foreign radioactive waste into Russia.
Obviously, the revival of the party is aiming at supporting
the government in their fight against ecologists, rather than
change of antiecological policies in Russia. The newly released
governments report "On the Situation with Environmental
Protection in the Russian Federation in 2010" confirms
that the quality of environment in Russia has been deteriorating,
and respectful international ratings give Russia one of the
lowest ratings in the world as of the trends of its environmental
Damage to the Russian nature and people from the short-sighted
and hawkish use of natural resources in some regions exceeds
the GDP growth, and urban gardens, parks and suburban forests
are converted into trade malls and office centres; and other
protected conservation areas are given under construction
or are transformed in a dangerous way; the number of environmentally
hazardous industries has grown rather than shrunk. Environmental
legislation as been weakened on purpose for these goals. Russia
has been lagging behind the international effort targeted
at saving the planet from irrational economic activities.
Only destruction of the authoritarian and oligarchic regime
and establishment of independent and publicly controlled branches
of power will allow to push Russia away from its de-ecologisation
path. The new-old Green Party supporting Vladimir Putin and
his teams anti-environmental policies will hamper improvements
in Russias environment rather than facilitate them.
Alexei Yablokov,
Chairman of the Green Russia faction,
Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO
February 15, 2012
See also:
Elections 2012