LI Bureau member and Treasurer Robert Woodthorpe Browne was
among the high level speakers on migration and assimilation
at Yabloko (LI Full Member) Conference on 6th April in Moscow,
The event was opened by Party Leader Sergey Mitrokhin and
Dr Astrid Thors, European Liberal Democrats - ALDE Party Vice
President and former Migration Minister in the Finnish Government
coming from the Swedish People's Party (LI Full Member). Professor
Grigoriy Alekseyevich Yavlinskiy addressed the gathering on
the subject issues. He was particularly concerned at the potential
knock-on effect of the proposed US withdrawal from Afghanistan
in 2014. Input was provided by speakers from Swedish, Estonian,
Moldovan, German and British liberals. LI Treasurer, Robert
Woodthorpe Browne, described the UK situation and added an
LI dimension.
There were useful interventions by representatives of CIS
migrants, notably Uzbeks, and descriptions of crisis situations
of depopulation from Yabloko leaders from Amur Region, Irkutsk
and Vladivostok, where the wave of Chinese who had come looking
for wealth has receded with China's increasing prosperity.
Corruption and slave labour were major themes and a Resolution
was drawn up, which will be circulated at the LI Beirut Executive
for information.
See also: