The Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO thanks all
who has voted for Russia’s democratic future.
Looks like the answer to the significant question of the
voting day has been given by television before the real counting
of the votes: there will be no democratic faction in the State
Duma. Passing into the Duma of the old Russian nomenclature
factions was predetermined and the redistribution of mandates
between them is not that important.
We firmly know that you gave much more votes for us than
was counted by the bureaucrats responsible for the final result.
You already know this. And the authorities know this.
The main result of these elections is not figures that can
be amended, but in new public phenomena: an obvious demand
for democracy, honest civil activity, wishes of the people
to determine the future of the country and believe that it
is possible.
The official results of the elections should not make you
loose confidence in the future. When we were beginning the
campaign we knew what was there in store for us. We still
consider that refusal from active participation in the voting
is harmful and unsound. We will defend your votes in the Russian
and international courts.
Despite of the stance of those who maintain the regime, we
have to make foundations of a new democracy. Such was the
goal of YABLOKO’s campaign. We used the elections for presenting
the society with a comprehensive alternative to Vladimir Putin’s
course. YABLOKO presented a real socio-economic plan targeted
at a radical change of the political system of Russia’s regime.
We demonstrated to the people that their political will towards
changes is needed for changing the quality of their life.
We succeeded in making Russia see the alternative. This is
the most important result of the elections.
These elections persuaded us once again that our duty is
to continue movement towards democracy – a real democracy
which Russia has not had.
The first step will be strengthening of YABLOKO’s links with
active citizens who came to us during the campaign for determination
of the strategy and tactics how to oppose the arbitrary rule
and violations of the law that, without doubt, will only increase
and built new networks of civil political action.
Do not loose hope or loose your heart!
Time is with us! Russia needs our victory! Russia demands
Grigory Yavlinsky
Sergei Mitorokhin
December 4, 2011, 23:30
See also:
to the State Duma 2011