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YABLOKO’s leader does not expect any changes in Russia’s financial policy in view of the appointments


September 27, 2011

According to YABLOKO’s leader Sergei Mitrokhin, new appointments in the financial and economic bloc of the Russian government are unlikely to lead to changes in Russia’s financial policy.

“I think that any abrupt changes in view of appointment of Anton Siluanov acting Finance Minister and Igor Shuvalov supervisor of the financial-economic bloc in the government are unlikely. Most probably everything will remain as it is,” Sergei Mitrokhin told to Interfax.

He also noted that replacement of the Finance Minister is unlikely to lead to economic upheavals.

“Finance Minister may be regarded as person responsible for budget incomes and expenditures, but he does not determine [economic] policies. These polices are determined by the Economic Ministry and the head of the Cabinet, therefore replacement of Finance Minister is not that significant and is unlikely to lead to catastrophic consequences,” he stressed.

Mitrokhin also said it was too early to forecast the effects of the appointment of the acting Finance Minister and broadening of Igor Shuvalov’s proxies.

“It is difficult to make any forecasts here. Anton Siluanov is a new person and he should show himself off. Igor Shuvalov, in his turn, has been supervising many fields in the government and it is also very difficult to forecast the efficiency of his supervision of the financial-economic bloc,” he added.



September 27, 2011

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