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Against corruption in the nuclear sector and turning Russia into a world’s nuclear waste dump

Statement by the Federal Council of the YABLOKO party

November 17, 2010

The YABLOKO party considers the adoption of the law “On Radioactive Waste Management” developed by Rosatom (Russian Atomic Ministry) absolutely unacceptable. We believe that the proposed wording the law makes it corruption prone, as well as creates additional conditions for the mass-scale imports of foreign radioactive waste into Russia for their burial.

We agree with the developers of the draft law that the most important task for Russia is organisation of safe storage of nuclear materials produced both in the USSR and in the Russian Federation during implementation of defense programmes, as well as for the needs of the nuclear power energy sector and other types of economic activity.

However, under the pretext of creating of such a system Rosatom has been using this project for provision of most favourable conditions for
1) its own commercial activities;
2) placement in the territory of the Russian Federation of nuclear materials of foreign origin.

However, exempting the companies implementing storage of nuclear materials and radioactive substances from the property tax virtually means subsidizing of commercial companies from the federal budget, including foreign companies, that get profits from the use of nuclear materials and radioactive substances with subsequent placement of the waste in Russia.

At the same, the rules of the law are deliberately vague in the part of regulation of financial liability of nuclear plants in their treatment of waste, so that the shift of responsibility on the federal budget is virtually legalised. In other words, nuclear power companies obtaining their tax benefits can also rely on budget support when dealing with the waste resulting from their performance. This circumstance allows us to qualify the draft law as corruption prone.

The draft law deliberately neglects the fact that nuclear materials and radioactive substances located in the territory of the Russian Federation, may belong to foreign countries and companies. Thus, the adoption of this law in its present variant will lead to losses of the revenue part of the federal budget due to actual subsidising of storage of nuclear materials of commercial origin (foreign origin inclusive) in Russia.

When selecting the sites for burial of radioactive waste the draft law does not envisage that the opinion of the local population will be taken into account. The choice of sites under burial grounds would be agreed only with the executive authorities of the Russian regions that are virtually appointed by the Russian President.

Furthermore, the method of disposal of radioactive waste envisaged by the draft law – pumping them into the subsoil – is also unacceptable.

The Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO addresses the deputies of the State Duma (the Russian parliament) with a demand to reject the draft federal law "On Radioactive Waste Management" in the second reading and send it to fundamental change.

Sergei Mitrokhin,
Chairman of the YABLOKO party


See also:

Radioactive waste should not get into Russia. Statement by the YABLOKO party. November 12, 2010

Nuclear Safety

November 17, 2010

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