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Moskovskiye Novosti, MN-Sobitiya, August 13, 2004

"We Are Not Extremists"

Interview with Alexei MELNIKOV, one of YABLOKO's leaders, on the actions of the Youth organisation of YABLOKO and party prospects in general by MN's correspondent Stanislav Natanzon.
Question: YABLOKO has never resorted to extremist methods such as smearing memorial plaques with paint before. Are you looking for new methods of political struggle?

Melnikov: Politics has now been taken to the streets, as a free parliament has been destroyed by Putin and his stooges. As it has been taken into the streets it has naturally become more radical. Yet this cannot be called extremism because then the term "extremist" would also have to be applied to those who defended the Russian "White House" in 1991, manning the barricades.

But here we must not lose track of the ultimate objective - putting in place a ruling authority that would be responsible to the people; a political setup where the mass media in the country are really free, the courts and local governments independent while the FSB is under effective public control.

Radicalism in this country has various forms and manifestations. But the fact that protest actions come from young people does not make them less significant. In 1968 the student unrest in France drastically changed the relationship between the political establishment and society in Europe.

Question: Are you ready to unite with other opposition movements?

Melnikov: We cannot possibly go along with such movements as the NBP [the National Bolsheviks Party]. We have no wish to protest for the sake of totalitarian goals. Our protest is for the sake of freedom.

Question: Why did YABLOKO fail to stage a protest when the party was in the parliament?

Melnikov: I would not say that it failed. A lot of what we undertook was a success.

Question: Could you give an example?

Melnikov: OK, when I was in the State Duma, I dealt with the case of Alexei Pichugin (according to the Prosecutor's Office, he is considered to be the principal accomplice of Leonid Nevzlin, a major shareholder of YUKOS, charged with organising a contract killing of a former city hall official. - MN). There was evidence that psychotropic substances had been used on him to obtain certain information, I am saying this because the FSB and the Prosecutor General's Office blocked an independent medical examination of Pichugin; there is documentary evidence of this. I realised that the "murder case" was a set-up. Today I am sure of this. The "murder case" has come in handy today - to show something now that the formal case against YUKOS has effectively collapsed. The political establishment has made a new attempt to justify itself in the eyes of world public opinion: "Are you going to protect the company? Remember that you are protecting a gang of killers." I am certain that this plan will fall through as well.


See also:


Moskovskiye Novosti, MN-Sobitiya, August 13, 2004

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