The State Duma’s sitting / Frame from NTV Channel
The State Duma passed in its third and final reading a controversial
bill replacing the nation’s pervasive benefits system with monetary
compensations. The bill repeals 41 laws and amends 155 others.
309 Duma voted for the bill, while 118 voted against it. The bill was
passed almost exclusively by the pro-president majority United Russia
party, with opposition factions lobbying fellow parliamentarians to vote
against the bill.
News agencies quoted parliamentarians as saying the bill, which continues
to spark mass protest and demonstrations, had been significantly changed
during the three readings. Starting in January, when the bill takes effect,
some benefits groups will get monetary compensation instead of subsidized
discounts on transportation, medicine, and other necessities.
Victims of political repression will not receive compensation from the
federal budget, but rather be compensated from regional budgets. Regional
authorities will be subsidized by the federal government for the amount
of such compensations.
Before it becomes law, however, the bill must be passed by the Federation
Council and signed by President Vladimir Putin.
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