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IA MiK, May 26, 2004

“An increase is the number of spy trials, involving human rights activists, is quite possible now.”

By Sergei Mitrokhin

The first thing I find depressing is the dismal monotony of the President’s state of the nation addresses and the use of a vast number of right words, which are not backed up by deeds.

All that was stated in the present address on social policies is diametrically opposed to the actions of the Government. We can also note an abrupt increase in the power of the secret services and the heads of the interior, military and secret services in the presidential entourage that has managed to set him against civil society and civil organisations. He has given a signal to all levels of the interior, the military and secret services to prosecute human rights activists and other structures in civil society. This is the only part of the presidential address that will be implemented, judging from previous experience. This means that an increase in the number of spy trials, involving human rights activists as the main agents of international imperialism, is quite possible now.

At the same time the statements on foreign policy correspond to the reality far more than the statements about domestic policy.


IA MiK, May 26, 2004

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