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Special for the web-site, June 19, 2003

No-Confidence Motion in the Cabinet: After the Discussion

Commentary by Grigory Yavlinsky

YABLOKO managed to achieve some of its objectives. First, we made them discuss serious problems. It was important to say that a system of serious backwardness and demodernisation had developed in the country. It was important to say that both economy and history do not follow the Regulations of the Duma; that today we had to set the grounds for positive developments in the future. Our party has spoken about this issue on many occasions and it was our duty to inform parliament and the country about this fact

Second, we were supported by a larger number of deputies - 40 %, i.e. 172 votes, - more than the number of people who backed the Cabinet. We would like to hope that such voting will become a serious political impulse for the executive authorities.

However, the discussion of the no-confidence motion in the Cabinet demonstrated the deep degradation of the Russian authorities. The Chairman of the Duma and Prime Minister left for St. Petersburg. The Duma majority made a circus out of the discussion. The "technical" Cabinet simply didn-t turn up in the Duma, where 40% voted for its dismissal.

It is a pity that the President allowed this to happen. When parliament, government, federalism, justices and elections are mere imitations of reality, the institution of the presidency also becomes an imitation. Consequently statehood disappears and the country is spent


See also:

No-Confidence Vote

Special for the web-site, June 19, 2003

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