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World Economic Forum
Annual Meeting 2000

The Russian and Chinese patients

Synopsis of the speech by Grigory Yavlinsky
January 28, 2000

Grigory A. Yavlinsky, Member of the State Duma and Head of the Yabloko Movement, stressed the importance of human rights and property rights if Russia is to reverse its downward spiral. There are significant difficulties. How, for example, can a decent tax system be implemented if 82% of economic turnover is by barter? Banking must be made more transparent. Land reform and debt management must be introduced, as well as bankruptcy procedures. Corruption and the black market economy are major obstacles. In fact, "without corruption, the system would not work," Yavlinsky said. He criticized the power of what he called the "criminal nomenklatura," an oligarchy which controls society. China succeeded because the reformers implemented changes for the people. In Russia, he explained, the nomenklatura was greedy and selfish, implementing reforms for their own ends. The system must be changed.

See also:
Anti-Terror Coalition

Synopsis of the speech by Grigory Yavlinsky
January 28, 2000

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