The Land Reform
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forwarded its proposals to the Strategic Initiatives
Press Release, June 29, 2011
The YABLOKO party forwarded to the
Russian Government its proposals and initiatives via
the Strategic Initiatives Agency. The Strategic Initiatives
Agency was created by the Russian Government in May
2011. It is targeted at support of socially important
projects and initiatives.
The proposals are connected with the
new strategy of Russian economic polices, local self-government
reform and reduction of tariffs in the housing and
utilities sector. The drafts were submitted by Valery
Goryachev, Executive Secretary of YABLOKO’s
Bureau. “We are going to use all the possibilities
for implementation of our projects,” Goryachev
Proposals of the Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO
(Housing-Roads-Land). Handed
to President Medvedev by Sergei Mitrokhin on June
11, 2009
Cart Away Nuclear Protesters
By Robin Munro Staff Writer, The
Moscow Times, April 26, 2002.
Police, Kremlin security officers and
plainclothes officers forcefully broke up a peaceful
demonstration against nuclear waste imports on Red
Square on Thursday, cuffing young protesters in the
face before hauling them by their collars to waiting
police cars and roughly slamming them in.
faction advocates abolition of ban on sale of agricultural
lands in Russia
16, 2002
Moscow. During the voting on May 16,
the Yabloko faction of the Russian Federation State
Duma will support two out of seven draft laws "On
the turnover of agricultural lands" drafted by
the government and SPS faction deputies (the Union
of Right-WingForces). Yabloko considers it a top priority
to protect the title of citizens to their plots of
land from official dictatorship. The faction
will support the two aforementioned laws as they declare
abolition of an anti-constitutional ban on the sale
of agricultural lands.
The Yabloko faction and the government will continue
further work on the Land Code
Press release, September 20, 2001
Consultations of the Yabloko faction
with the government represented by the Minister for
Economic Development and Trade German Gref resulted
in an agreement on continuing further work on changes
to the RF Land Code and new amendments targeted at
increasing guarantees over the transparency of land
distribution and protection of the rights of citizens
disposing of plots of land, deputy of the Yabloko
faction Sergei Mitrokhin told journalists.
Day in the Lower House
By Ivan Rodin, Nezavisimaya Gazeta,
June 22, 2001
The Duma approved the law on political parties at
its third reading; it will now be submitted to the
Federation Council. However, it is not ruled out that
the Federation Council may reject it: then this law
would have to be reconsidered by the lower house.
The Duma would have to continue working on this law
together with the upper house, as only 238 deputies
voted for it, whereas at least 300 votes are required
to override a Federation Council veto.
fly as Duma approves land bill
By Yevgenia Borisova,
The Moscow Times, June 18, 2001,
p. 1
The State Duma passed the Land Code in an emotionally
charged first reading Friday that saw lawmakers chant,
come to blows and whole factions march out en masse.
The Duma voted 251-22 with three abstentions in favor
of the Kremlin-backed code, which would allow the
sale of commercial land and plots in cities and villages
to Russians and foreigners. The sale of agricultural
land is not provided for in the code and will be dealt
with in a separate law. The legislation must pass
two more readings in the Duma and then be approved
by the Federation Council before it can be sent to
President Vladimir Putin to be signed into law.