"Spent Nuclear Waste - Thank You, We don't Need It!"
"Motherland Against Nuclear Waste Imports"
"I am against nuclear waste imports
too!"(on Lenin'smonument);
"Motherland Against Nuclear Waste Imports"
"Motherland Against Nuclear Waste Imports";
"Everyone Against Nuclear Waste Imports!"
Grigory Yavlinsky, Chairman of the YABLOKO party
Valery Borshov, Chairman of the Civil Control
of the YABLOKO party, member of the Moscow Helsinki Group
Andrei Babushkin (centre),
Deputy Head of the Moscow branch of YABLOKO,
Chairman of the Public Committee "For Civil Rights"
Ludmila Alexeeva, Chair of the International
Helsinki Federation

Sergei Mitrokhin, Deputy Chairman of the
YABLOKO party,
deputy of the State Duma (the Yabloko faction)

"Kursk Against Nuclear
Waste Imports",
"Get Your Share of Nulcear Waste!"
Russia is not a waste dump for the Ministry
of Atomic Energy