To the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
M.M. Kasyanov
On Urgent Measures to Overcome the Energy Crisis
in Maritime Territory
Today it is obvious to everybody that the situation
in Maritime
Territory is
on the verge of a humanitarian disaster. Virtually
all the main life
systems of the Territory are in a critical condition.
The fuel crisis has affected most districts and settlements.
This is
part of the systematic crisis that has embraced our
energy system,
and communal services and the budget sphere of the
territory. The
has recurred every year, but has deteriorated each
All the aforementioned critical conditions are attributable
to a crisis
management. The Administration of the Territory is
unable to manage this
strategically important region of Russia. However,
the federal
cannot absolve themselves of responsibility for the
millions of Russian
citizens who have become hostages to the failure
of the administration
Maritime Territory.
To avert the energy disaster, we need to find today
2.5-3 billion
and expenditure should be put under strict control
of federal
We propose that President Putin establish a State
Commission responsible
the situation in Maritime Territory. Such a Commission
should include
plenipotentiary representative of the President in
the Far East Federal
District, a representative of the administration of
Maritime Territory,
well as representatives of the Control Department
of the Administration
the President, Control and Audit Department of the
Finance Ministry and
Federal Treasury. The Commission should dispose of
all the necessary
on control over the movement of all the funds allotted
from the budgets
all levels to maintain the life support systems of
We propose that the Government of the Russian consider
the following
variants for resolving the energy crisis in Maritime
Variant 1. Grant a short-term loan to the administration
of the Territory controlled by the federal authorities,
provided that the money is offset
against signed treaties for the delivery of fuel
and energy resources
ensure allocation of these funds directly to fuel
suppliers, thereby
bypassing the accounts of the administration of the
Variant 2. Grant the guarantees of the RF government
on the attraction of short-term loans from commercial
banks that will be allotted to the purchase of fuel
for Maritime Territory with an automatic repayment
of these loans from the transfers envisaged for Maritime
Territory in the federal budget for 2001.
Variant 3. The Finance Ministry should resolve, together
with the Defence Ministry, the issue of granting the
administration of the Territory a necessary volume
of fuel as a commodity credit under the guarantees
of the Finance Ministry and return of the corresponding
means from transfers envisaged for Maritime Territory
in the federal budget for 2001.
Variant 4. The funds for the purchase of fuel should
immediately be
from the reserve funds of the government and the President
of the RF, or
this goal the reserve fuel funds of the Defence Ministry
and the
of Extraordinary Situations should be used.
To avert any recurrence of the energy crisis in Maritime
Territory in
other regions situated in an area with high energy
crisis risks
Magadan, Sakhalin, Omsk, Ivanovo, Chelyabinsk and
other regions) we
the development of a special order to finance the
purchase of fuel for
regions. The order should include the following:
1) Prior signing of contracts with fuel suppliers
by the administration
the federation subject under the control of the federal
2) Financing of fuel deliveries exclusively through
the Federal
3) Sanctions for any officials violating the order
of priority financing
the measures within the framework of the heating season.
The Yabloko faction is ready to send its specialists
to assist with
implementation of any of the proposed variants for
overcoming the