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Special for www.yavlinsky.ru web-site, January 22, 2004

The leader of the Russian Democratic Party YABLOKO Grigory Yavlinsky participates in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum which is taking place in Davos on January 21-25, 2004

Grigory Yavlinsky will meet and discuss different issues with President of Iran Mohammad Khatami, Price Minister of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf, King of Jordan Abdullah II Ibn Hussein, Prime Minister of Canada Paul Martin and others.

The official part of Griogry Yavlinsky's schedule contains speeches at two sessions of the forum devoted to further development of European integration and Russia's place in the united Europe, as well as resistance the state's attack on human rights. On Saturday, January 24, 2004, Grigory Yavlinsky will participate in the so-called "informal gathering of world economic leaders" devoted to the new challenges to collective security and a greater focus of the world community on finding an adequate response.


Special for www.yavlinsky.ru web-site, January 22, 2004

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