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RosBusinessConsulting, October 10, 2003

Duma amends law on military training

RBC, 10.10.2003, Moscow 12:25:26.The State Duma approved a draft lawl stipulating mandatory basic military training in high schools and training colleges. In the present law "On Education", basic military training is possible only in the event of willingness and consent from students and their parents, which contradicts the law "On Military Duty and Military Service" stipulating mandatory basic military training in high schools and training colleges.

The amendments have met sharp criticism among some parliamentarian factions, and Alexander Kotenkov, the president's envoy in the Duma, made an announcement about the necessity of basic military training in schools. He urged deputies to pass the amendments on the first reading and review them on the following readings.


See also:

Russia brings military training back to school. AFP. October 10, 2003

RosBusinessConsulting, October 10, 2003

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