On the World AIDS Day the
YABLOKO party participated in the Red Ribbon action
Vesti-Moscow television programme
December 2, 2010
On December 1, the World AIDS Day the YABLOKO party participated
in the Red Ribbon international action. For several hours
party activists were distributing information leaflets and
red ribbons – the symbols of fight against the HIV virus –
by Moscow universities and YABLOKO’s Moscow office.
YABLOKO believes that the state should apply maximum effort
so that people with AIDS would get the required aid and the
society would stop treating them as outcasts.
“The state should restore order here. It should extend a
helping hand to the sick people and provide them treatment.
All the mobbing which such people often have to confront should
be stopped”, said Sergei Mitrokhin, Chairman of the YABLOKO
According to YABLOKO’s leader, there are about 1.5 million
of people with AIDS in Russia today. However, less than 25
per cent of all the people infected with HIRV get proper treatment.