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The 123 Agreement will turn Russia into the world burial of nuclear waste

Statement by the YABLOKO party
July 24, 2010

The YABLOKO party has always opposed imports of nuclear waste into Russia. It was the only parliamentary party which in 2000 jointly voted against introduction of changes into the law allowing for imports of radioactive waste into Russia. Even at that time we were saying “we should not turn Russia into an international radioactive waste dump even for much money!” However, such changes in the law were made under the pressure from the Russian Atomic Agency (Rosatom), despite of the fact that 90 per cent of Russian citizens are against imports of radioactive waste into Russia.

The 123 Agreement on cooperation with Russia in the nuclear field has been considered by US Congress at present. In case it is approved, Russia will be able to import US radioactive waste from Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and many other countries, under a formal pretext of recycling and virtually for its burial.

Submitting the bill into Congress US President said, “implementation of this agreement does not bear any risks for our security…” Such care of US President of his country security inspires respect, while the Russian authorities’ care of the security of their country arises much doubt and concern.

There are no safe technologies neither for recycling nor for burial of radioactive waste. Such recycling leads to permanent radioactive contamination. At present the major problem is utilization of huge plutonium reserves becoming redundant due to nuclear disarmament rather than production of more plutonium. There is only one way left for radioactive waste imported into Russia – its storage transferring into its burial. This means turning the country into a world burial for radioactive waste. The countries wishing to get rid of their radioactive waste are ready to pay for this. They will pay for it with money, while Russian citizens will pay for this with health risks for many further generations.

YABLOKO supports cooperation with the USA if only such cooperation is targeted at Russia’s development, raising of the welfare of Russian citizens and strengthening of Russia’s security. The millions obtained for the imports of radioactive waste into Russia are a drop in the ocean of expenses Russia will have to pay for assuring safety of the imported nuclear waste in the future.

Short-term mercantile interests of corrupted temporal officials should not overwhelm over long-term interests of ensuring Russia’s security.

We shall not allow turning Russian into a world radioactive dump.

Sergei Mitrokhin,
Chair of the YABLOKO party

See also:

YABLOKO for Nuclear Safety




Press Release
July 24, 2010