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In support of Mezhduryechinsk miners

Statement by the YABLOKO party
May 29, 2010

The Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO once again conveys its condolences to the relatives and next-of-kin of the miners killed during the accident at the Raspadskaya mine.

Regardless of the specific reasons leading to the accident at the mine, it is obvious that the problem is system-driven. This is confirmed by another accident at the Alexeyevskaya mine which followed the accident at Raspadskaya.

The owners of the mines set such rules and regulations which make the miners to neglect the safety requirement and risk their lives so that to get more or less adequate wages. A civilised dialogue with the employer turns out to be impossible: the owners of the mines being aware that the miners will not be able to find another job talk with them from a position of force. The possibilities of a labour dispute or a strike are restricted by law.

The present trade unions are unable to efficiently set forth the fair demands of the miners. Lack of mechanisms for negotiations and solution of labour conflicts leads to simultaneous protests that are taking a riot form with highly probable use of force by the protestors, which may provoke the authorities to use force in response.

Instead of entering into a dialogue with the protestors the authorities prefer to rely on special police forces (OMON) from other cities and openly deceive and frighten both the protestors and other minors accusing them of extremism and finding mythical outer organizers of such simultaneous protest actions.

It is impossible to conceal deceit and violence in the conditions of the present information society and wide spread of Internet. Everything becomes known in an instant, as it happened in Mezhduryechinsk.

We support the initiative group of the miners and residents of Mezhduryechinsk who in this critical situation took up intermediary functions in formulating the miners’ demands to the authorities and the owners of the mine. The YABLOKO party is ready to render organizational and legal support to the initiative group.

We are calling the authorities and the owners of the mine to replace forceful methods and lies by openness and civilized dialogue with the miners. It is necessary to radically revise the attitude to the labour laws, regulations on wages and labour safety, as well as the functions of the regulators that should control implementation of these laws and regulations. Collective contracts and agreements should envisage strict responsibility of employers for non-observance. It is necessary to broaden trade unions’ rights, including their rights to strikes.

Only system measures will allow us to prevent the developments like those in Mezhduryechinsk. The YABLOKO party expresses its solidarity with the miners. The miners have the right to fight for safe labour conditions and dignified life!

Sergei Mitrokhin,

Chair of the YABLOKO party



See also:
Miners’ demands should be satisfied. Statement by the YABLOKO party
May 17, 2010

Sergei Mitrokhin’s condolences on the tragedy at the Raspadskaya mine. May 12, 2010.

Human Rights

May 29, 2010