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The Moscow branch of YABLOKO elected its leading bodies and proposed to change the Moscow Mayor

Press Release
May 24, 2010

The conference of the Moscow YABLOKO which took place yesterday, on May 23, confirmed its opposition to the Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov and his government and called the country to return to the direct election of the Moscow Mayor (the Moscow Mayor enjoys the Governor status).

“In the federal authorities are not ready to return to the election of all governors, it can at least make an exception for the cities of federal importance – Moscow and St.Petersburg – where the city dwellers unlike residents of other cities are deprived of the right to elect the city heads,” runs the statement of the Moscow YABLOKO.

Draft statement “On the political crisis in Moscow and the ways out of it” was submitted by YABLOKO’s leader and chair of its Moscow branch Sergei Mitrokhin.

The Moscow YABLOKO stands “for the democratic change of the city leaders via honest elections”. The statement by the Moscow branch of YABLOKO also indicates that “return to the democratic procedure of the elections of the Moscow Mayor is the only way out of the political crisis in Moscow”.

“[The present Moscow Mayor] Yury Luzhkov should be replaced by a Mayor elected by the Muscovites, rather than by Kremlin’s appointee,” runs the statement.

Confirming that the Moscow YABLOKO “is in opposition to the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow government” the conference proposes “an alternative way of governing the city which was offered in the programme by the [Moscow] regional branch of YABLOKO “The City Comfortable for Living”.

The conference also elected the leaders of the Moscow YABLOKO

The leader of the Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO Sergei Mitrokhin maintained the post of the chair to the Moscow YABLOKO. Forty delgates of the conference elected Sergei Mitrokhin by a secret ballot Chair of the Moscow YABLOKO for another two-year term. There were no abstentions or dissenting votes, four bulletins were recognised invalid, Interfax correspondent reports.

Also it turned out that there were alternatives to Sergei Mitrokhin by the time of the voting: two other candidates – Alexander Gnezdilov and Konstantin Petrosyan – refused to take their nominations.

“Sergei Mitrokhin is an outstanding leader who managed to preserve the party in the toughest situation,” Andrei Babushkin, deputy head of the Moscow YABLOKO leader, said during nomination of the candidates.

Sergei Mitrokhin has been leading the Moscow branch of YABLOKO since 2004 and it is the fourth time that he is elected head of the Moscow party organisation. Also Sergei Mitrokhin has been holding the post of the Chair of the Russian United Democratic Party YABLOKO (elected in June 2008).

In addition, the conference elected Chair of YABLOKO’s Gender faction and Secretary of the Political Committee Galina Mikhalyova first deputy head of the Moscow YABLOKO.

The conference also elected six deputy chairs of the Moscow YABLOKO. They are Eugeny Bunimovich, Moscow Ombudsman for Child Rights, Alexei Borschenko, leader of the Elder Generation faction, Alexander Gnezdilov, deputy chair of the Youth Chamber under the Moscow City Duma, human rights activist Andrei Babushkin, Ivan Bolshakov and entrepreneur Zoya Shargatova.

Deputy Chair of the Moscow YABLOKO Ivan Bolshakov was elected to the Federal Council of the party. The conference also elected 19 members of the Regional Council, including Director of the Republican Human Reproduction Centre Dr. Andrei Akopyan and the oldest blogger of the Russina segment of the Internet Engelina Tareyeva who will turn 85 soon.

The Regional Council also includes the heads of the Moscow organisation and is composed of 27 people in total.


Press Release
May 24, 2010